Our goal is to be sustainable and protect the environment
We manage our vines under agroecological principles, trying to intervene as little as possible both on our vines and our wines, so that they may faithfully reflect the potential of the terroir.
Our goal is to be sustainable and protect the environment. That is why we have built a solar energy plant, process our wastewater, and work towards reducing our carbon footprint in every action we take. Just by way of example, we have stopped using heavy glass bottles for high end wines.
We are passionate about technology and research, in the firm belief that both will take us to a better place, a better world, without having to renounce in any way the harmony we desire to achieve with the environment. From the cosmological and worldly culture of where we are to the surrounding communities we wish to help, we are respectful of the local traditions and heritage, of the land we work and the customers and suppliers who believe in us. We tenaciously endeavor to generate and maintain bonds that will make us stronger, more solid and persevering as we follow our path. We are part of a whole that helps us to be better.
We aim for our wines to be genuine, enjoyable and pleasurable and directly impress the palate. That is why we reduce our intervention to the minimum to avoid obscure or stilted complexities. We intend them to stand as a reflection of who we are.
Our team, all the staff at the company, provide the foundation on which all the rest is built upon. Our operational personnel come from the surrounding area, from nearby towns and villages, as we wish to employ members of the local community.